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Oxytocin: How and Why to Activate the Snuggle Hormone with your Newborn

It’s obvious how much your baby loves to be close to you.
Their drive to snuggle, snooze, and be calmed in close contact is adorable, but more than just a want – it’s a biologically driven need. Babies are wired to seek closeness to ramp up the production of nature’s bond-making, stress-busting, well-being lifting wonder chemical, oxytocin.
Here are three true things you may or may not know about the snuggle hormone:
1. Oxytocin plays a crucial role in labor and breastfeeding. It’s oxytocin that drives labor contractions, and allows the uterus to contract after birth. It triggers the milk “let down” response when stimulated by a nursing infant, and is responsible for those unprecedented love sensations that new parents report. While oxytocin is known for its role in promoting mother/baby bonding, it’s a lesser-known hero contributor to another essential parenting role – fatherhood.