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Our 2024 Parenting Resolution: To Make More Memories

There’s a classic parenting cliche that says “the days are long, but the years are short.”
While clichés have a reputation for being a little cheesy, this one might just be popular because it’s true.
During those first few years of parenthood, when our little ones are experiencing the world for the very first time, the days can drag on for what seems like forever, full of diapers to change and to-do lists, magical firsts and a handful of unexplained tears. But before we know it, newborns grow into new walkers, toddlers head off to preschool, and six-year-olds transform into sixth graders in years that seem to fly by at an impossible speed.
Scientists have theorized that our perception of time passing has a lot to do with presence and discovery. Our minds mark occasions when we experience something for the first time, when we celebrate, when we pay attention. Those markers become a map of the year behind, and the more markers we have to look back on, the longer the year seems to be.
So in 2024, we’re resolving to make more memories. Here at dadada Baby, we’ve built our whole culture around celebrating the precious first moments that happen in your child’s first few years - it’s why we design what we design and do what we do. This year, we’re making our resolution to pay extra special attention to marking each of those magical moments, to creating memories that will help us reflect on the year with a strong sense of presence, appreciation, and connection. And we hope you’ll join us!
Here are a few ways we’re planning to intentionally make memories this year:
Find reasons to celebrate.
Celebration doesn’t have to be complicated. The dictionary defines celebration as, simply: “the action of marking one’s pleasure at an important event.” Celebration allows us to extend a small moment into a lasting memory by paying a little extra attention. This year, as you notice baby’s firsts, take the time to mark them with a little celebration. Go out for a special dinner to celebrate their first word. Decorate the house with colorful balloons on the occasion of their transition to a big kid bed. Celebrate their first trip to the library by starting a tradition of reading together on Sunday nights. Your celebrations don’t need to be fancy, or expensive - as long as you’re together, marking important moments with something a little “extra.”
Be present in small doses.
Our attention is in high demand these days. We carry our whole lives around in our pockets, with constant access to email, text, and social media to scroll. But studies have shown that even small stretches of focused attention can make a big difference in the connection children feel to their parents.
Instead of the potentially overwhelming task of being fully present to your little one all day long, focus on small stretches of undivided attention. Spend 10 or 15 minutes with no distractions, no phone, no TV, no interruption, simply being with your child. Play a game, sing a song, watch them fall asleep, or listen to a story they’re anxious to tell. These small moments of full attention become beautiful, lasting memories you AND your baby will cherish.
Discover with your little one.
For babies and toddlers, the whole world is new. They’re easily fascinated by leaves in the trees, by a line of ants crossing the pavement, or the garbage truck running its early morning cycle through the neighborhood. As adults, it can be easy to tune out during these little moments of discovery - after all, most of us have seen more ants than we probably care to, and the shine has definitely worn off the garbage truck parade.
But this year, make it a point to slow down and join your child in their fascination and discovery. Stop and watch the ants with them, ask questions, notice small details and point them out to each other. Make it a point to simply sit and enjoy the garbage truck parade - notice the sounds, the excitement, the BIGNESS of the whole thing as though you’re seeing it for the first time. By slowing down and really paying attention, we can signal to our minds to mark these everyday moments as significant memories. We can, in a very real sense, make time seem to slow down just a little bit, just by doing our best to see the world through our baby’s eyes and experiencing discovery along with them.
How will your family make memories this year? We’d love to witness your favorite #dadadamoments - share them with us by using the hashtag, or tagging us on social media.
Wishing you a truly memorable, magical 2024.